A friend of mine, C, that I have know since HS is thinking about starting a BLOG.
C and I were in a writing class in HS together. I loved that class. I loved taking it with her, she was and is so smart and she taught me just as much as the teacher did. She went on to become a fabulous lawyer and now mother, we were able to reconnect through Facebook (Love It) and I love seeing her posts about her cute little daughter.
C asked me for some advice so I wrote up this really long reply which basically listed everything I have learned since I started blogging. They are things I wish someone had shared with me when I first started.
While I was writing I thought, "this would make a great post." So I am adapting it a bit to make it less personal, and am sharing it with all of you!
So anyway about blogging, there are a few blogs I follow that I get inspiration from for my blog, particularly with design, I will list them below.
Here are some things I have learned about the blogging world, these are just my perceptions based on my experience.
First, pick a name that is short and catchy and fun and totally relates to the topic!
When I first started blogging it was mostly one giant paragraph with no pictures. The more blogs I read, the more I realize how important it is to always have some visual eye candy in every post, i.e. pictures, drawings, links. Also it is so important to break up the post with lots of paragraph breaks and such.
Huge pet peeves of mine, and most serious bloggers, use spell check! Even the most seasoned writers out there make the worst mistakes with spelling and grammar usage. It is so annoying to readers because they will be really enjoying the post and then BAM! All they see is the mistake blaring at them.
Set a clear goal and objective for your blog. I have a really hard time with this because my blog is so specific, but it relates to so many areas of my life, because anything that takes time away from my family is personal time to me. But I try really hard to stay relevant to what my main goal is for writing the blog, which makes it easier to keep my posts from wandering.
Be warm and personal in your posts. Readers want you to be real and they will pick up on fluff really quickly, and not want to come back. You should decide before you start whether you want to remain anonymous in your blog or not. I personally prefer to not be anonymous because I feel I have nothing to hide, and I never say anything on my blog I wouldn’t say in person to someone. I use my kids’ full names, but I know some people who change their kids’ names in blog posts. I do keep other people anonymous, so when I mention my student or boss I use only their first initial. That way I don’t need to really get permission to use their name, although I never say anything bad about them. Here is a link to a post from one of my favorite bloggers (Four Eyes Rella) about this subject: Should your blog be anonymous or not.
Don’t get discouraged. I have been blogging for about 5 or 6 months now and I only have 10 followers and rarely get comments. When I first started I would check for comments like every 5 minutes (SHAME), but then I started to talk to myself about how that is so not why I started blogging. I really wanted to create an honest blog about what it is like to be an adult literacy tutor, and to share those feelings with the world. I had to remind myself that I did not do it to be accepted or validated. Don’t get me wrong, it feels great when people do comment, and I love to check the stats and see how many times it has been read, but I don’t allow the lack of comments to keep me from posting again and again.
Use pages. I don’t know what blogging tool you are using (I use blogger with google) but they all have a function where you can create “pages”. It makes it fun for the readers, and basically people love to click on things. I have a “blogroll” page, a “My favorite internet trips” page, a “My tutor bag” page and an “Adult Literacy Book list” page. You can look at other blogs to get some inspiration for that.
Post often. Especially in the beginning, because when people find you and start following you they want to see something new every time they come back.
Have fun! If you are enjoying yourself it will come through in your writing.
Okay here is a list of my favorite blogs and why:
Four Eyes Rella: - I stumbled on her blog from I don’t even know where. She lives in Canada and works at a tattoo parlor and has tattoos all over her body and has a really cool bull dog named Tank. She takes fabulous pictures and she does a post every Thursday called “Things I Love Thursday” that is so cool. She scours the internet and brings back all of the coolest things you could find and lists them for you. She is insightful and funny, and very real. I also love her blog design. I discovered great ways to share things from her posts, and I have also learned about blogging etiquette which is important.
Angelina La Dawn Tomato: - I don’t know where I found this blog either. She is a teacher with two cats that are hysterical, and she takes funny pictures, and she also creates the coolest crafts and artwork and such. She is also very real and funny.
Blogging is for Dorks: - I found this blog from Four Eyes Rella’s blog roll. She is a seriously great writer, very touching stuff. She has 5 kids and she writes about them in her posts and it is so funny and heartfelt and relatable. She also crochets which I love and has funny pictures and videos.
A(n) (Un)common Family: - I found this blog from the Studio30+ website which I will tell you about in a minute. She and her husband adopted two kids, their son from Vietnam and their daughter from Ethiopia. She is so funny, like when she talks about how her daughter loves Yo Gabba Gabba I laughed so hard because I could of course relate. She is very open and real in her posts which I also love. Good stuff especially for parents who adopted.
Hyperbole and a Half:- This is the first blog I started following. When I first found it I was so addicted I spent like a whole day looking at all the archived posts. She does mostly comic posts now which I think take a really long time so there are long periods in between her posts. SO, so funny! I have never laughed as hard as I have when reading her posts. She doesn’t take herself or life too seriously. She has funny animals which she posts about and is very smart with her writing.
Last but not least,
Cake Wrecks: - Found this one from the Hyperbole and a Half blog roll. Seriously, funniest blog ever! They post every day which is great because there is always something new to read.
Studio Thirty Plus: - This site is like a gathering place for bloggers over 30. You have to sign up, then you create a home page and you can list your blog on there. It is sort of like a social network for bloggers. They have a featured blogger each week, and they also have great writing prompts every week, which is a cool way to come up with ideas when you can’t think of something.
I really hope this all helps, and I can’t wait to read your blog, I know it will be great!
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