In my first post about HL, I mentioned that I went to an in-service on this topic. It was taught by a woman, Elissa Director, who founded the Health Coalition of NJ. Like I said in that post, this in-service was very informative and I wish it had been longer.
Great News! At the upcoming Literacy for Life conference, this workshop is being offered: "What Tutors Can Do to Increase Health Literacy." This is a double session workshop, from 9:30 to 12:45, jam packed with fabulous information to help us tutors make an impact in our students lives with health literacy. Not only that, you are guaranteed to take away some valuable information to make your own self more health literate!
Here is the workshop description:
Navigating the US healthcare system is extremely challenging. Two decades of research indicate that today's health information is presented in ways that is not usable by most Americans. Participants will examine the changing definitions of health literacy, the impact of low literacy on health, and the role that culture plays in determining health practices and beliefs. We will identify some of the many literacy tasks needed to understand and act on health information and how to incorporate skill-building activities into tutoring sessions. In addition to providing useful health literacy resources for adult literacy students, each attendee will receive a copy of Staying Healthy: An English Learner's Guide to Health Care and Health Living.
Let me just say that Health Literacy is really HOT right now, in the literacy world that is! I think it is even bigger than financial literacy. Anyone tutoring right now should know the information being taught in this class. Anyone tutoring an ESOL student should be REQUIRED to take this class.
PLEASE SIGN UP!! You will not regret it. You have my personal guarantee.
Click HERE go to the conference page. Or even better, give me a call at the LVNJ office and I will sign you up over the phone.